Sunday, December 17, 2006


Well I have made it back. I arrived back in town on the 15th, and since then I have been trying to catch up on the sleep that I missed in the last week, with exams, and such. I stayed at Nikki's on Thursday night so that I was closer to the airport and then was woken at about 3:30 to the sound of 100 Km an hour winds that were ripping through the courtyard, so there wasn't much sleep that night. The power even went out, and I was really glad that my flight wasn't canceled because of the wind. But I'm back home now for a couple of days and have been able to get caught up on sleep. It's been great to be back, even if it is just for a short time, and I'm trying to see as many people as I can since my time here is so short. Wednesday my parents and sister and I head back down to Vancouver and on Saturday my family and I will be off to Mexico.


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