Sunday, November 26, 2006


Well It started to snow last night, and it hasn't stopped. It's really kinda pretty. Last night I got out with some of the girls in my dorm and we built a snow man, unfortunatly frosty only lasted about half an hour before someone knocked him over. The snow is nice, but you know you live in a place were it doesn't snow often when three inches of it is enought to get things cancelled. My church cancelled services today since the roads are getting a little dicey. Maybe school will be cancelled tomorrow if it keeps up.
The picture is of Megan, Christine, Julia and myself with our snowman. We also got into a snowball fight. This weekend the dorm also got our lounge decorated. We have paper snowflakes and even a tree but we can't have any lights on it because they area fire hazard. It was alot of fun, but we made a mess with all the paper scraps. After we decorated we watched White Christmas. But now, I have a lot of work to do in the next few weeks, so I better get back to it.
And here is a picture of our lovely christmas tree.


Blogger Nikki said...

the girl in blue looks like nicole and the girl in green looks like really should diversify in your friends looks...hahaha

3:52 PM  

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