Saturday, November 18, 2006


Well this has certainly been an interesting week. We lost power here for about two days on Wednesday and Thursday because of a large windstorm, and then a water boil advisory was issued, but we couldn't even use our stoves anyway so we couldn't drink the water at all, not that most people drink the water on campus anyway. It was interesting trying to find a place to do work though since there were only limited places with power at all, I managed to find a place and got some work done Wednesday night, but Thursday I just decided not to bother and to take a break. The power was finally back for good on Friday morning, but apparently there are some more wind storms headed our way, so who knows it might happen again soon. One nice thing that happened though is that a lot of teachers moved due dates so that we have more time because it was really hard to work on papers and other things with the power off. And we got out of some of our classes too. But I am glad that the power is back and I hope that it stays back. It's really tiring being in the dark all the time.


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