Saturday, December 02, 2006

More Snow

Well it kept snowing, and classes were cancelled on Monday and Tuesday. Classes were restared on Wednesday, but there were still a lot of commuters that couldn't make it in, and it took others a lot longer to get in than it usually took. The Campus looked nice though with it's blanket of snow, and it's actually lasted all week. It has started to warm up though, so the melting process has begun. It's nice that it snowed this week though, since cancelling classes next week would be really bad since it's the last week of classes before exams. It's nice that the semester is going to be over soon, I am ready for a break from all the work. I will be really happy at around 11:00 on the 14th, since I will finally be done for the semester. And then it will be great to head home on the 15th.
Some Pretty Ice

My Building all covered in snow.


Blogger Nikki said...

nice ice!!!!!

4:40 PM  

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