Sunday, November 26, 2006


Well It started to snow last night, and it hasn't stopped. It's really kinda pretty. Last night I got out with some of the girls in my dorm and we built a snow man, unfortunatly frosty only lasted about half an hour before someone knocked him over. The snow is nice, but you know you live in a place were it doesn't snow often when three inches of it is enought to get things cancelled. My church cancelled services today since the roads are getting a little dicey. Maybe school will be cancelled tomorrow if it keeps up.
The picture is of Megan, Christine, Julia and myself with our snowman. We also got into a snowball fight. This weekend the dorm also got our lounge decorated. We have paper snowflakes and even a tree but we can't have any lights on it because they area fire hazard. It was alot of fun, but we made a mess with all the paper scraps. After we decorated we watched White Christmas. But now, I have a lot of work to do in the next few weeks, so I better get back to it.
And here is a picture of our lovely christmas tree.

Saturday, November 18, 2006


Well this has certainly been an interesting week. We lost power here for about two days on Wednesday and Thursday because of a large windstorm, and then a water boil advisory was issued, but we couldn't even use our stoves anyway so we couldn't drink the water at all, not that most people drink the water on campus anyway. It was interesting trying to find a place to do work though since there were only limited places with power at all, I managed to find a place and got some work done Wednesday night, but Thursday I just decided not to bother and to take a break. The power was finally back for good on Friday morning, but apparently there are some more wind storms headed our way, so who knows it might happen again soon. One nice thing that happened though is that a lot of teachers moved due dates so that we have more time because it was really hard to work on papers and other things with the power off. And we got out of some of our classes too. But I am glad that the power is back and I hope that it stays back. It's really tiring being in the dark all the time.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Well I just finished my last midterm of the semester, now all I have to keep me busy are 2 papers, 3 or 4 lab reports, a couple lab exams and the odd physics homework or reading response. Then I have 5 finals and can head back home. One month today I will be done my last final and will probably be packing to head home, can't wait. But I should probably be getting back to work or I won't get done.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

School, School and a little fun

Hey everyone, hope you are all doing well. I am keeping really busy with classes. This semester I have Physics, Philosophy, History (World from 1500 to 1750) Genetics, and Medical Microbiology. They are really interesting, surprisingly even physics, but they are a lot of work, especially all the labs. I have a couple of miderms coming in gentics, med mirco and physics in the next few weeks so that will be occupying the majority of my time for the next little while.
When I have a few extra minutes I do get to hang out with my dorm. They are a great group of girls and we have a lot of fun watching movies and just hanging out.
On thing that is really differnt this year is that I am cooking my own food, and not eating at the Caf all the time. This can be good, but there are drawbacks, the biggest one that I actually have to work for my food, but hey at least it's not all caf food.
Next weekend I will be hanging out with my Sister since I have a 4 day weekend so that should be nice, although I expect that a lot of it will be studying or writing a paper, but it will be nice to get off campus for a few days. My parents will also be here for a few days during that time, and it will be nice to see them again.
Well that's pretty much me for the moment, I hope you are all having a great time.