Sunday, January 14, 2007

Christmas...and Mexico

Well my Christmas break was very busy. First I went home for 5 days, and then my parents and Heidi and I drove the two days to Vancouver with our two cars, the Honda Pilot and the Corolla, and the two canoes. Most of the people we went by probably thought that we were crazy since there was no water any where that wasn't frozen. In Vancouver we opened gifts at Nikki's and then flew to Mexico for a week. Mexico was a new experience for our family. Our idea of a family vacation is camping or skiing. We stayed at an all inclusive resort and did a day of tours where we saw some of the Mayan ruins and did some snorkeling. The ruins were really cool and they were on a cliff over looking the ocean and the colour of the water was an amazing shade of blue.
I was even able to get some scuba diving in, unfortunately I didn't think to get any kind of underwater camera so I don't have any pictures of what I saw but it was amazing. The colours of the fish and the coral were so varied, diving around Vancouver is nice, but in Mexico the water is warmer so the wet suits are thinner, and the visibility is also a lot better. The colours are also a lot better.
After Mexico the plan had been for me to spend a week hanging out at Nikki's place, but then I decided to ply back to Rupert again, so I could get more time with the folks at home. It was a really nice week. And the Sunday before I flew back to Vancouver was my birthday, so it was really nice to be able to spend that day in particular at home. I was also able to help with the packing up of the house since my parents were preparing for their big move.
Christmas was busy, but it was also a lot of fun. Hope you had a great Christmas as well.